02. Professor Jung's request

The Ravenclaw common room at 6:30 was full of tired students talking to their friends. Jungwon was one of them, although without friends. He sat near the window watching the grounds. Feeling the seat beside him fill, he turned to look and found a seventh year prefect.

"G'morning," The prefect greeted him with a smile. Jungwon smiled back. "Good morning, Taehyun."

"So what're you doing here? All by yourself?" Taehyun asked kindly. Jungwon replied, "I've no friends and Sunghoon's sleeping ㅡ not like he's my friend, though."

Taehyun nodded. "My whole group is separated by houses," He let out a sigh.

Jungwon gave him a look of sympathy before turning to look at the grounds again.

Few minutes later Taehyun vacanted the seat, to Jungwon's relief. People were his problem.

The boy could handle Divination but not people.

At nearly 8:10, twenty minutes before breakfast, a boy came rushing down the stairs of the boy's dormitories.

"Jungwon, why didn't you wake me?" He said to the aforementioned boy while panting due to running.

Jungwon eyed him, "Do I look like your alarm clock?" And he left the older wizard standing there with confusion.

"Hey ㅡ Jungwon! That's not what I meant ㅡ I meant ㅡ Nevermind, you!"

Sunghoon took off after Jungwon, joining him at the Great Hall. He tried to speak but Jungwon ignored him again, eyeing his timetable furiously.

The older boy pouted as he ate his breakfast. However that was gone immediately after some of his Ravenclaw friends engaged him in conversation.

After the breakfast, Jungwon waited at the Hufflepuff table for a certain jumpy wizard boy.

Sunoo very well took his time in checking if he has the necessary books in his bag before heading to the class.

The two of them walked to the school grounds with the rest of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, though lagging behind because they were chatting pleasantly.

"Hello, hello!" A very handsome man greeted them on the grounds. "I'm Professor  Wen Junhwi, and I'll be your Care for Magical Creatures teacher,"

Jungwon silently snorted as he heard the girls giggling among themselves and goggling at the teacher.

"Wah ㅡ he's so pretty, really." Turning to his side, he saw Sunoo too was staring at the teacher so he cleared his throat to bring back his senses.

"Mind if we return to listening what he's saying?"

Sunoo flushed beetroot red, "O-oh, yeah!" 

A small smirk formed on the Ravenclaw's face, he thought the other was cute.

The class went on and soon ended ㅡ the boys were now headed towards Potions. Jungwon absolutely despised it, but not because of the professor ㅡ it was the subject itself.

He just couldn't see himself stirring some strange liquid in a big pot ㅡ he'd rather do something fun.

However, with the jumpy Hufflepuff as his seatmate, Potions couldn't that boring.

"We'll be brewing a Peace Draught today," The Potions Mistress, Professor Jennie Kim said with a smile that melted the hearts of some male students. "Please pair up and bring the ingredients that is written ㅡ and, help yourself."

With the Peace Draught being brewed, he atmosphere felt more calmer than usual. It made Jungwon sleepy.

"Hey, are you dozing?" Sunoo said with an amused chuckle as he noticed the stirring slowed. Jungwon's lips formed a pout as he fought to speak properly, "The atmosphere ㅡ it's sleepy,"

Sunoo giggled lightly as he took the Hellebore Syrup and dropped it until the potion turned turquoise. "I don't like brewing and all that, to be honest ㅡ I'm just doing it for my O.W.Ls."

Just as he finished the sentence, Jennie came around to their desk, first she eyed Jungwon for a second and then smiled at the potion, "Oh, very good." She said and went to the desk behind theirs.

"Thought she heard me and was going to take fifty points from Ravenclaw." He said, breathing an air of relief. Sunoo shook his head at him, "Professor Jennie isn't going that far just because you aren't interested in her subject." The former male shrugged at him.


The bell rang, indicating it was time for lunch and all the students packed their bags and scurried away from the Charms classroom. The Charms Professor was a cheerful wizard in his late twenties and everyone liked him. No one ever spoke ill of him.

"The Summoning Charm is too hard," Sunoo whined as they both got out from the class and walked towards The Great Hall for lunch. "The things I used, they all started changing their minds halfway!"

Jungwon laughed. "You need concentration for that, Sunoo." He said, but the other wizard kept whining until they reached The Great Hall. From there they separated. Jungwon went to the Ravenclaw table and met with Sunghoon and unexpectedly the Prefect, Taehyun.

"Hello," The Prefect said, offering him a kind smile as he sat down infront of them. He smiled back at Taehyun and Sunghoon. But that smile changed into a scowl when Sunghoon said something that irked him.

"You're hanging with someone ㅡ a Hufflepuff, right? How's he? Handsome? ㅡ " 

"If you love your life, shut up." Jungwon said with red ears which Sunghoon laughed at.

Then he said, "I do like my life ㅡ but I like to tease you more, even if that means getting cursed." 

Jungwon raised an eyebrow and smiled amused, "I'm not doing it ㅡ I know exactly how to get you screwed," The grin on Sunghoon's face started faltering on hearing that which made the younger Ravenclaw smirk as he continued, "perhaps if I tell your most valuable secret to one specific Slytherin." He nodded towards the Slytherin table and Sunghoon stopped smiling at all. A glint of fear visible in his black orbs.

"OK, I am not gonna ask you or tease you about anything." He said finally and continued to eat. "As you should." The younger Ravenclaw mumbled while he ate his boiled potatoes.


As the boys walked towards The Great Hall for dinner, a Ravenclaw student came running towards them. "Yang! Wait, I need to speak to you!"

Jungwon and Sunoo stopped on hearing him and turned around. It was a seventh year student. Zhong Chenle it was.

"Chenle. What's up?" Jungwon said, observing the older boy who was panting due to all the running.

The boy calmed down and said, "Professor Jung's looking for you. Says he needs a word with you," Jungwon looked at Sunoo and then at Chenle, "Right now?"

Chenle nodded. "Yup. I reckon it's something really important ㅡ " Jungwon groaned, cutting him mid sentence. "Couldn't be more important than History of Magic, can it? I mean, I'm running really late for class ㅡ and Professor Kim's ㅡ he cares about punctuality, don't reckon he'll let it pass."

Sunoo spoke up suddenly, "I'll cover for you," he casted a Tempus Charm, "Merlin ㅡ  go on! I'll cover for you!" He said pushing the boy towards Chenle.

Jungwon sighed and gave a quick glance to Sunoo before leaving with Chenle.

On reaching the professor's cabin, Chenle softly knocked on the door. "Please come in." A soft voice said and the boys entered into his office.

It was a spacious room with nothing much except a few frames with some witches and wizards in it. The said professor was seated on a chair behind his desk and was smiling like he usually does. He was professor Jung Hoseok. Their Charms Professor and the Head of Ravenclaw.

"Mr Yang," He begun, hands clasped togather as he offered the boy a seat and a sweet smile.

"Thank you for coming at my call, ㅡ oh and thanks alot, Mr Zhong for calling him. You may get back to your dorm."

After Chenle left, Hoseok started again. "So, Mr Yang, can you guess why exactly I've asked you to meet me?"

Jungwon stared at the wizard for a while before answering uncertainly, "Maybe. . .for assignments ㅡ ?"

Hoseok laughed. He then said, "No, no Mr Yang, it's not even required. You've been performing briliantly in my subject. Any other guesses?"

Jungwon thought for a while and then shook his head. The professor gave another laugh. "Blimey, how would you reckon. Sorry, my bad," He paused to observe Jungwon who was looking bewildered.

"Mr Yang," He said in a stern tone, "I believe you know that the Quidditch tryouts are nearing and I also believe that you know that Ravenclaw does not have another beater."

Jungwon shook his head, "I'm sorry Professor, I didn't knew that prior."

"That's OK Mr Yang, but I believe you know now? Good. Now, I want you to try for the beater position."

Jungwon stood up at once, not believing his ears.

Him? Playing Quidditch? As Beater? No way.

"I'm sorry Professor," He said, sitting down, "but I can't.

The Professor merely frowned. "Why is that, Mr Yang?"

Jungwon opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't think of any valid reasons to support his decision.

The Professor spoke again, "Dear, I'm not in any way forcing you to play as a beater." Jungwon was hesitant.

Sure, he watched his brother play Quidditch (he's a seeker), but himself never tried to.
